Thursday, October 22, 2009

MRI Thursday

Well I only took three Valium this time around before the MRI because I have a fear of being enclosed, claustrophobic. Well it relaxed me nice, the tests were finished and off to the surgeons office we went. Dr Pilcher brought us in and showed us the wonderful pictures of my brain. Technology is amazing! Anyway we saw a picture of the tumor originally and pictures from today. That piece was good to go, no sign of any tumor. Where the tumor was is being filled in brain, meaning I can still gain more movement. Praise Him! I got home and with the assistance of the Valium I slept all afternoon, nice and relaxed. So tomorrow I have some more tests to go through and hopefully they too prove nothing to be concerned with. I am looking forward to my resting tonight also. Take care and thank you for all the prayers. The Dr also scheduled my EEG in November and I may, only may, but could be reinstated with the privilege of driving a car once again! ! !!


  1. Good morning, Phil ~
    What great news you received from the MRI yesterday! PRAISE BE TO GOD!
    Keep wiggling those toes, guy -- and keep your sights focused on driving your Trans Am again soon!
    Prayers continue for good reports on your further testing.

    All the best, Anne

  2. That is wonderful news! Praying for the good news to continue!!
