Sunday, January 17, 2010

It has to be the name . . . . . .

Well I flew home today from Knoxville TN from visiting my daughter. Little did I know what an interesting day it would be. It started off nice enough as we all went to breakfast and then headed to the airport. While being dropped off I took the luggage out of the trunk and hugged Karissa and shook Chad's hand good bye. We tried to check in for our flights and they had no record of us to fly but eventually they found the fights for us. We got our boarding passes and headed to security. When we got to the check point where the shoes and walk through takes place I did my normal. I told them that due to some surgery I had a brace on my left leg and cannot take my shoes off. As usual I put my stuff on the conveyor belt: belt, laptop computer, jacket and personals. I walked through the check machine and did not set it off, normal again. I was asked to sit so they could check my shoes, normal again. They as I said when we left use a swab on my brace, another on my shoes and another on my hands to check for explosives and such. So as I am waiting for them to put them in the machine I suddenly hear it "BEAP" saying it found something. Oh boy I am thinking. Well the TSA people came back over and said I had some residue that tested positive on my hands. Am I about to get labeled? So off come my shoes and they x-ray them, they then put the hand wand over my body very slowly as I stand up with my arms held straight out to each side. Of course as I was putting them up and out a 'female' TSA agent came through the swinging door and you guessed it my hand hit her right where it did not belong! I apologized and she smiled. Oh boy this was not going well. They went through all my stuff one thing at a time as Beth stood off to the side on the other side of the wall watching. The handheld metal detector did go off as I told them it would when it went over my head, due to the six plates I now have. Well they released me and said they were not sure why I set it off. I told them the only thing I could think of was that the night before we on their back deck and Chad was shooting off fireworks with his right hand and we shook hands when I left. The TSA guy said it was very sensitive and that could be it. He told me next time I visit, no fireworks. He had a sense of humor too, they were very nice and understanding yet thorough to keep us safe. Anyway on to the plane and in the air. We landed at Cincinnati Airport [which is in Kentucky go figure] and I swore I had to walk a mile to get into the airport it was like a maze. They said they would have a wheel chair for us and as we got there an attendant said the cart would be here in a minute as he was waiting for someone at one gate up. We saw him sitting there and waiting. Soon five minutes turned into ten and he was only like twenty yards away so Beth asked the attendant if it would be ok if we walked to him and she said yes. So we gathered up our stuff and off we went. Well when we were within twenty feet of him he suddenly drives off as we watch. Beth asked if we should chase him. Well she went back and the attendant told her he was going to go up and turn around because he was pointed the wrong way for us. Eventually he came back and said they gave him the wrong gate. We made it to our next flight and on to home. What a day, what an experience. My brother says it is our luck because of our last name. I don't know maybe he has something there. The day is done, we are home safe, Bambi is happy I am home and, wait a moment one more thing. As I was rolling Beth's luggage into the airport to check it I told her that it was so hard to pull. I told her it was like the brakes were on it. Well she picked it up at baggage claim in Rochester and informed me that it was missing one of the two wheels so that is why it did not pull so easily. There were a few more tidbits but not worth mentioning. On the more serious side most people were very understanding and helpful with me which was nice. I have a real time dealing with this disability I have with my leg. I pray it gets 100% back to normal but realize the chances are it will not happen so I need to continue working on acceptance of my short coming and how it will affect my and others life's around me no matter. Over all though most people are very understanding and helpful over all. Thanks for such a wonderful and interesting day God, above all I knew as always You are in charge and watching over me and others always.


  1. Well so much for fun with fireworks. What can I say, it was a devious plot so that you would have to stay in TN a little longer :-) We really enjoyed your visit and can't wait for you guys to come down again.

  2. Well! lol They must have sensitive detectors to pick up a small amt of firework residue. Glad they didn't label you a terrorist!
