Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sleepness nights

It has been a busy few days for me, of course the way I set it up they are almost all busy. My nights have been fairly alright for sleeping, a bit like the norm I have experienced. Monday night my first two hours was sleeping in twenty minute increments. Needless to say it made the night very long before my next day of teaching and seeing clients, and oh yea I did a career day presentation at a local high school to about 125 freshman. My energy level was real low and so the night came to an end.

Today I got up and having my physical therapy I put my electrical STIM device on for the day. I taught three classes today and wanted to use it to help my foot. When I go from my office to class or to another class. After one class on my way to my office I simply forgot to turn on my device. As I was walking past the security entrance desk my left foot did its normal lack of muscle control maneuver. See without the device to send signals to the muscles my left foot when it comes up the heel comes up but the toes just drop. With my brace all the foot is kept at a level position so it won't drop either. Anyway, when I am not using either one I have to consciously tell myself each time I take a step with my left foot, "Pick up your foot high so your toes do not scuff the floor and fall". Well after about forty or so steps I forgot one time and the left foot scuffed the ground and I did the three step stumble. I had a student and security ask me if I was OK as I did catch myself. I was OK though a bit embarrassed. It helps me to stop and realize just how wonderful we are made with so many moving parts that all work together simultaneous for each step of each leg not to mention the other things we do constantly without thinking! Life is truly a miracle each and everyday for us all.

Physical therapy went well, I am still making gains in my abilities which is so thrilling to me. I will continue to push and see how much I can gain with God's help.

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