Friday, May 14, 2010

Long week

I am so very glad the week is at an end. With the teaching semester ending it seems students come at the end and 'then' they look for help. I will do what I can to help because I love to see people learn and succeed, believe in themselves. This week was loaded with teaching, clients, training, new clients hoping for help, physical therapy and preparing to fly to Italy next week for my son's wedding.

Physical therapy today was good as I had a student work with me so it is nice to see someone new. Of course no one will ever replace Andy, I firmly believe God put him in my path last year. After all my Christian chiropractor sent me to Andy in the beginning. Therapy was good, then I went to the annual court mental health gathering. I saw a lot of people I had not seen in years, which was nice, and then we broke into groups. My group went upstairs and I had one of the organizers apologize to me for having me walk up the stairs. I shared with her that it is ok, I am the one who needs to speak up if something is too much for me. I explained that I have learned living with some disability I rather I express my limitations instead of people putting too many limits. I do appreciate the thoughtfulness 100% I just don't want people feeling bad that something is their fault.

The rest of my day was long and hard. I had a client who was nothing short of insulting, mean and immature yet asking for help. What was nice to find out today was that I have been wondering if anyone reads this blog, does it help anyone, can anyone relate? Then today a friend whom I have not seen in three years shared with me how other friends who I no longer see, they have moved away, read my blog and stay up to date. That made me feel good. I am glad though the weekend is here and I can rest. I have found that I put heat on my leg and ice on my foot a lot lately as walking on it for four hours or more does that.

Neurologist update too, he reviewed my MRI and decided I can wait a year until my next MRI so he is indicating the tumor is slow growing which means it should not reappear for a few years anyway. Praise God.


  1. Sorry you had to deal with such a patient.

    That's great you don't have to have another MRI for another year!

  2. I've found a lot of people read but just don't comment.
