Friday, July 30, 2010

Neurologist follow up

Today I had the follow up with my neurologist as we try to get a hold on my pain and sleeping. The muscle relaxants I had worked only for a few hours which happened again last night. My neurologist decided to change my medication from one muscle relaxant to two different medications. He has prescribed one for me to aid me in falling asleep and then a second medication to help me control the pain through out the day. I shared with him how the left leg is like a tooth ache in that it is constant. He asked if it was hurting me then and I pointed to some areas of my leg as to where it hurt and the actions I try to do in an effort to cope. I am hoping that these medications will work. It would be so nice to go to bed each night and know the majority of times I will be able to stay in bed through the night and not have to get up due to pain and muscle spasms. That is very frustrating to me and wearing on me mentally.

On a brighter note I am continuing to clean out junk and sift through stuff for selling soon I hope. I am confident that if it is His Will then I will have a buyer. I will remain open to what God wants me to do at this point. Well actually at every point this is just one more in my life.

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