Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Next Stop, Home...

Hi everyone,
I spoke with Phil this morning. He was very excited to report that he had showered, shaved and gotten himself dressed (ah, the little things we take for granted), but the really BIG news is that his team of doctors, nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists (and probably the lunch lady) met this morning to discuss his case and right now they are considering letting him go home on Friday. I hesitate to write this in case it changes, but it's so exciting I cannot keep it to myself! God is so good, it's amazing that just one week ago Phil was having the tumor removed and now we're discussing him leaving the hospital. There are some things that will need to happen over the next couple of days like his test results need to stay within the normal range and he needs to continue to regain his strength, but all else being equal, he may be back in our home within the next couple of days. The staff at the hospital has said all along that Phil was ahead of the curve and it looks like he's taking that curve right to the finish line. Hurrah! Please continue to keep Phil's recovery in your prayers, it's still a long road as he learns to balance his physical self with his "want to" self. He will tire easily for quite some time and I am sure that will bring its own frustrations, but, for now, we rest in God's strong and capable hands. Praise God for all that He has done and all that He will continue to do. Beth

1 comment:

  1. That's so incredible that the possibility of going home is just within reach. Are we sure it's only been a week? God is good!
