Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Hello! Welcome to Phil's blog! We started this blog to keep all of our friends and family up to date on Phil's current progress and upcoming progress.

Yesterday, Phil was diagnosed with a parasagittal meningioma brain tumor. He had been experiencing many symptoms for a while now, and he finally found a good doctor who listened to him. They ran a bunch of tests and found this tumor. They immediatly sent him to the hospital for emergency brain surgery, but when they got here they found that his brain is too swollen to do the surgery without a risk of stroke or worse.

They started Phil on steroids and some anti seizure medicines. He is in the neurology ICU, but he is doing great, and is in good spirits. We should know more today about when the surgery will be. The steroids will take about 5 days to work. Then after that they will still work, but the progress will be minimal to none. So we are optimistic it will be 5 days until the surgery. I don't think we are anticipating it to be earlier, but we will keep you all posted on that too.

We are waiting for the doctor to come in and see about doing an angioplasty and look for blood clots. Phil has not been able to move or feel his left leg for about a year now. So blood clots are a serious factor right, but they don't see any right now.

Thanks for checking Phil's blog! I (Kate) or Phil will be updating it daily. You don't have to have a blog to leave a comment, just create a profile. You just need an email and create a password. Thank you all for your prayers and encouraging words! God is in control, no matter what the outcome.



  1. Kate,

    We're thinking about you and your family and praying for Phil often!

    Love you,
    The Tosics :)

  2. I'm glad Phil was able to find a dr who listened to him. I hope the swelling goes down soon and the surgery is successful.
