Saturday, August 1, 2009

Day Two

Well, game plan was I was restricted to the first floor for a week, plans changed and I am able to use the second floor! Beth is wonderful and one main reason for my strides. She did tons of work around the house today, which I am so grateful for as she knows how much it means to me as to how the house looks. Not be able to do it and watch was hard, she did a fantastic job too. Too challenge my mind as the doctors had told me I would need to do, I watched and worked on my notes for Child Psychology that I am teaching this fall. We did have a restful night, though as they also told me sleep normal for me for the next few months will probably be 2 to 3 hours up for an hour and then sleep again. To end our day Beth and I went to church, Praised God in song and worship! It was a beautiful service and we loved the fact that we are giving Glory to Him! So home afterwards, relaxing and call it a day. God continues to work in every corner of this situation, go figure. The most glorious thing of all for me is that the pain is such to a minimum.


  1. I am so amazed at what you are able to do and how far you have come! Keep it up!!

  2. I am so glad that things are going well for you and Praise the Lord for what he has done. Beth doesn't think of it as work, Phil, she is your life partner and she is helping you. Remember? In sickness and Health....The love you share is rare these days and God knows all.. I am so happy for you and continue to pray for full recovery.
