Thursday, August 6, 2009

Therapy Day

Yep, Beth dropped me off at my first physical therapy visit. I have to go to a neuro specialist and there was a waiting list and for 'some reason' I got in quicker. Anyway I went and they really worked me hard. They actually made me walk with only a cane no walker in a parking lot. You know where there are people driving cars. Needless to say I was a bit fearful of the whole thing. I stumbled a few times, they caught me but it was a bit frightening, some because I do not want to injure myself. I ended up doing quite well when they were testing me for some mobility in my left leg. I also actually visited my office today for the first time to check on my mail. It felt a bit weird. I have therapy scheduled next week Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. They too seemed real encouraging to me. Oh and on a last note I hit my head again this morning on the refrigerator handle so Beth made up a new rule: Phil is not allowed in near the refrigerator without parental supervision. Beth and I had a great dinner together tonight sent over by or church. What a Blessing.


  1. I am sure my mom could rig something up, like a pillow on the handle there!

  2. Well, Dr. Phil ~ It appears that you are a slow learner when it comes to refrigerators! I came across a hard hat that I have kept all these years that I used to wear when I worked with an architect and went with him to make "field" inspections (I was taking notes while he was doing the inspections) ... I had to wear one while in the construction areas. It is bright yellow with flowers on it ... would you like to borrow it until you can learn to get along with the refrigerator? I knew I had kept this hat for some reason for all of these years ... now I know why! It will look real perfect on you! :>)
    Hope to see you soon ... where is my name on that visitor's list?

  3. I think the hard hat is a good idea dad and the flowers will be a nice touch :-) Luv u and am thrilled and proud of the amazing progress you are making! Karissa
