Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday September 18th

Well, after falling yesterday and cutting my head open yet again, I rested a bit last night and sleeping in a bit this morning. My head still hurt a bit this morning as I worked on prepping for my classes next week. I also went to my physical therapy visit which is with the one I was seeing before anyone knew of the brain tumor. It was great to be back and the therapy was challenging and rewarding. Just what I wanted and was praying for. We went out and say the new movie The Informant then home for some food. As we were leaving the movie I noticed some others leaving and I had to share the handrail with some other elderly people leaving. The difference was they were at least twenty years older. Then a gentleman at least ten years older than me assisted me twice in different ways. As I walked to the car I thought of the 'reality' I have in front of me. I may actually need different types of assistance, I have never planned on being in this position at this age in life. I think of the magnet Beth has saying "We plan and God laughs", not to say God laughs at our situation but that we can be foolish to plan and should be open to God. I am going to continue to work hard with Andy [my new pt] and on my own time but I am now looking that where I am at and what capabilities I have may be all I will have. As I said I am grateful that people like that gentleman are willing to help me, it is just that for all my life I have always been the strong one to help others and now I am on the receiving end. It is difficult to adjust with this new normal in front of me. Above all though I will not lose sight of the fact that God is Blessing and He has Blessed me and I am grateful. I will learn and enjoy as I learn and grow into the life.


  1. I imagine it can be difficult to receive help from others we for so long it was you who were doing it. I am grateful that there are people out there that are willing to give a helping hand when needed. I hope that your PT work w/ Andy goes well and that it helps!!

  2. I haven't stopped by in awhile and thought I'd stop by and say hello. I am so sorry to hear about your fall. I hope that it heals quickly and that you have a good week.
