Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Well over the night we had our first dose of the snow to come. I hired someone to plow the driveway for me so I went out because I needed to run an errand. While I was trying to clean my car off I had what seemed like an impossible task. It seemed impossible because of the ten or twelve inches of snow that was around my car. I had not put my brace on because it was a quick errand. The snow was not the nice fluffy snow but the heavy type. With the amount of snow on my car and trying to maneuver around the car cleaning it off proved to be extremely difficult. When I came home with all the snow in the driveway I assumed my plower did not come so I would fix it. I fired up the snowblower and managed to clear the whole driveway going slow. It felt good to accomplish the goal. I also did my neighbor's apron where the plows had buried it to help her out (she has the same snow plow man). I called her to tell her and she informed me he had cleared our driveways about 4 a.m. . That being the case I had no idea we had gotten that much snow. I am glad I did not call him to ask where he was. As of now we have about a foot so far with more coming. I love it!

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