Saturday, September 4, 2010

Same old story

It has been a few days since I last updated on my blog. There is a few things that have happened, one is my medications that have changed. The medications have been working great until the last two nights. I am praying that it is just by chance so I guess tonight will give me a better indication. There have been other things happening in life and I think that may be why I had restless nights, not the medication. Good news is we have been having 90+ degree weather so I have made use of the pool and exercising my leg in the pool. It took me a few times to get down a routine for maximum gain but I think I got it. We are suppose to have at least one or two more hot days where I may get the exercising in. What would be nice is if insurance companies took maintaining usage as necessary. They don't so I have to make due with what I have.

On another note I made me some soup to eat this afternoon and once done I grabbed my bowl and headed for the family room to eat. The family room is one step down and I stopped and thought so I could maintain my balance as I made my way down. I thought, waited, looked, thought, balanced and concluded that I would step down with my good right foot first. The thing is once I start to step unlike before my paralysis I could re-group like normal and balance. With life's changes I cannot do that so I have to commit once I take a step and follow through. Well as I started to lower my right foot I felt my balance going off center and with the foot in mid air and my left unable to move I could feel myself start to go. I tried to balance the soup that was hot and keep me up. As if it were slow motion I fell back the soup went forward all over the kitchen and family room while I hit my head, arm and ankle. Created quite a nice mess if I do say so myself. I really felt as if by now I should have it down as to how I balance, step and walk. I wonder if others have this same problem and how long or what did they do to compensate? I am thinking maybe I should develop some balancing exercises. So bruised body and ego, to some degree, I am calling it a day and night.

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