Thursday, September 23, 2010

What a day

Well today was quite interesting. I had an arbitration hearing to attend, actually I was the Arbitrator. I look at my life and take a lot for granted until I share with someone what I am and all I can do or have accomplished. So when I was done with the arbitration I was downtown Rochester and had to use one of the paid parking lots. Due to my left leg and its paralysis I need to open my car door wide to be able to swing my left leg in or out depending upon what I am doing. I left enough room when I got out and went for my hearing, but when I came back someone had parked their car real close. I opened my door and tried to get in right leg first and then pull my left leg is but I got stuck and had to physically force myself to push my left leg back out. So to try a new avenue I put my left leg in first and then tried to maneuver my right leg in and was able to do so. The problem is the car next to me had a small scratch in it because I could not get into my car. I tried my best to get into the car doing as little damage as possible.

Well I get my MRI in just two days, I do not like being put in that small tube one bit. I try not to think about and wait until it gets here. I have had a day, twenty-four hour period, free of any headaches so that was nice. Other than that life has been going along.

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