Saturday, February 20, 2010

Home at last I am home!

Wow what a week it has been. I apologize for not updating too much for the last six days but I was out of town. Being out of town means the house was unoccupied and with our great new technology I was not about to say I was not at home. Where was I you ask? I had the privilege of visiting the grand daughter, little Miss Molly. It was a pure joy. Well honestly not all was joyful but she made it a joy. Traveling was a bit worse than before, maybe the heightened security. They use to swab my sneaks, my brace and then my hands all separate and run them through the machine after I did a walk through and I was good to go. Now they make me take the second shoe on the good leg off for x-ray purposes, swab me down, pat me down 'very firmly' and then wand me all over. My head makes their hand wand go off so I warn them ahead of time.

It was so nice to play with Molly, she has NO idea of my leg being an issue for me. We played dolls and shopping with a little bit of cooking in the kitchen. It was fantastic! Bringing me my cane to walk with, sometimes walking with it herself to imitate me. Always taking care of Pa Pa [as she calls me] and she is not three years old yet. The one thing I could not do was hop though, she wanted to hop and I tried to hop on the sidewalk with her but there was no way.

I wish I could say adults were as wonderful as Molly was but they are not. I had people cut in front of us in lines of the airport among other things. Why is it we forget to be children and be carefree not in such a hurry or always having to win when some of us become adults? I know it makes me think..... I also am very tired.


  1. I bet it was so nice to spend time with Molly! What a joy!

  2. I know Molly must have loved playing with you! Glad you had a nice trip!
