Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Time is so good and life is so grand. I wore my portable stim machine all last week and it was fantastic being able to walk like a regular person. I just loved each day and what it brought. I am by no means saying my week was perfect and had no bumps, there were plenty of bumps. I guess I just figured I would go over it knowing that life would smooth out again and be good. Seeing my clients and helping others what an inspiration. This past weekend I stripped wall paper off one of the bedrooms upstairs which felt fantastic to accomplish something. Of course when I was done and a few hours passed the pain set in. My ankle hurt which I think was from all the standing on it I did and twisting and turning. Who would have thought? Not me. Well I rested and tried to rehab my leg and foot back. I also decided to wear my brace this week which was good because my foot feels so much better. I stop and think how six months ago I was moving about 8 inches at a time with a walker and now I am walking fairly well. I also got a phone call from someone who lives about 6000 miles yes 6000 away from me. They called to tell me that what I had been through and the recovery I have made was an inspiration to them. How fantastic is that? It is not to say look what I did or see how they like my accomplishments but rather what God has done in my life has touched someone THAT far away. Using my experience and growth that way, that is just plain awesome to me. I really feel humbled by it. I also forget how I need to write things down still to remember them. A very special friend of mine was suppose to meet with me for lunch well actually I was meeting with them. Well Phil forgot completely and I felt terrible about it. They were very forgiving but I felt so bad as they are very special. Another bump but life will level out........

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