Thursday, May 6, 2010

Taking Care

Today ended up being a day where I had to put myself first and that is something I am not use to. I have no idea what I did to my left foot but I did something as it was very painful to walk on where the big toe is. Understand that my left foot is as if it is constantly asleep, toes always tensed up in a curled fashion, bruised and always swollen. So as I made my way to the copier every step I took brought a sharp pain which made me want to pick the foot back up and not put pressure on it. I prayed it would subside but as the day went on and I walked to where I needed to go to teach the pain remained sometimes growing in its intensity. I had a few clients I was suppose to see later in the day. When my last class came I was dreading every step I had to take, thinking of each place I had to go and how could I reduce the amount of steps I needed to take with my foot. In side my head I kept hearing this voice tell me, "Take care of yourself first". So listening I cancelled appointments and came home and iced the foot. When I got home I did what had to be done and then put the foot up and put the ice on it. My brother and I were talking on the phone and me being alone this week asked if I wanted some pizza for dinner seeing how I had no plans. Having some medical background he looked my foot over, made sure I was putting ice on it and served up the pizza. We sat and talked and had a great visit sharing in some food. It was hard for me to pull back and put myself first and cancel the appointments but I am certain my body is very grateful. My new normal, I am still practicing as I learn....

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