Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Finally done

As I mentioned earlier the stairs are a real enemy for me especially in the early morning or late at night. Early in the morning my leg is not working, I have to like wake it up, so going down the stairs is tricky. In the evening it is difficult to raise the left leg up to go up the stairs due to fatigue. So I wanted to paint the house to sell, I never got siding :(. I had planned on having it painted by the middle of May. Who would have thought here it is the end of July and it is finally finished. Without the help of my brother, Jim, it would still not be completed. I tried going up only two steps on step ladders to reach as much as I could. It is tricky trying to learn a new center of balance when the left leg is mostly paralyzed. I tried to take my time and be real careful until last Thursday when I fell, bruising some ribs. I guess ladders are one more add to my list of new evils. It is so nice to have the house done and I will admit it looks pretty.

I am trying to use my pool as much as possible for therapy too by kicking the leg. I need to do more and more exercises or the leg will lose muscle mass and agility that I have.

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