Monday, December 7, 2009

Physical Therapy update

What a fantastic ending I had to my day today. It didn't start off too well but the end was nice. I went to my therapy visit with great results. I actually felt like a child at Christmas. I usually start off on the exercise bike and that is where I went today, only today was something different. Previously every time Andy has had to use two straps to hold my left foot in the stirrup while I pedal. Also Andy has to put my left foot into the stirrup because I cannot control it to put it their on my own. Well today I was at the bike and Andy was busy so I sat down and was able to put my foot in. Yes! After putting my foot in I was able to slide it up to stay in place and begin to pedal. I did my time with the resistance increased and my foot never slipped out once. Then when doing my leg lifts using weights I increased the weight by 2 1/2 pounds and I was also able to move my left foot with a little help even more. What a fantastic day it ended up being.

1 comment:

  1. This is so awesome! Progress is definitely being made!!! YAAAAY!
