Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday evening

Well the weekend is done and now comes a new week and the necessary energy I need for it. After showering I noticed my left foot and some of the discoloring that it has from being strapped down to a hard brace that keeps my foot and leg up to the knee supported as I walk. Beth finished painting the room I started saving me the hardship of trying to maneuver the room myself. The color looks nice. I tried to get as much rest and rehab in this weekend I could setting up my week. I teach in my psych classes that those who suffer a loss are usually surrounded by friends and family for a time period. The time may last two or four weeks but then they slowly flow back to their normal lives as the person who is tribulation is alone looking outward. Beth reminded me of that today in my case, as she watched my last night trying to set up rides and getting frustrated. She reminded me how it has been since August 1 which is seven months worth of rides donated. I am thankful to all of those who have helped me to date and I know the road will be one that is do-able, especially when I have the Father on my side...

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