Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sept 23rd

Well today was most interesting. They decided there was a need to have a fire drill at the beginning of my second class. Problem? Well my class was on the top floor, the elevators are shut off and the fire stairs were made in the 50's so they were only about 6" wide. Not having control over my left leg and foot there was not a lot of real estate for my foot to catch. So with ten flights to go I had my work cut out for me. After two flights I almost went face first down the next flight. Well due to that I decided to take it slow and not injure myself for a 'pretend' play time of fire. I told all the students around me to feel free to go around and go ahead. To my surprise they said "No that is ok we will walk with you". I was really surprised that some were at least some care and concern. I did almost fall two more times but made it safely. When I got down and out of the building they ordered us across the street. It is a four lane road one way so traffic was present, being in the heart of the city of Rochester. I was so tired at this point I figured 'hit me but I will go at my pace'. All went well and there was no fire, go figure. I saw clients afterwards and that put my finish to my day. It is nice to help people in life. On the way home Beth stopped for gas and we both agreed that Phil stays in the car. This was the same station I fell at last week . I am determined to stay fall hitting head and bleed free for more than my eight day record.

1 comment:

  1. Fire drill.....niiiice. That had to be quite tiring but you made it!!
