Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September 1

Well it is hard to believe that my surgery was about six weeks ago. I was able to use my hedge trimmers today and trim three of my ten rose of charin bushes and my three lilac bushes. I had to work in twenty minute intervals because of the toll it took on me to do it. What was nice was the feeling of accomplishing some work outside. I think the cooler tempetures helped a little bit too. Bad news is they cancelled my pt appointment for tomorrow but the good news is when I go to my appointment on Friday they will have my brace ready. It will be nice to wear it for a few days before I begin teaching again. Beth thinks I am taking on too much with teaching and seeing clients while doing my pt. I am hoping to work my clients around the schedule. Teaching really seems to give me energy and purpose as I love to see people learn, grasp an idea and learn how to apply something they have learned. My hair is growing in but at different rates so you can imagine how I look. I have different levels in the same area so I need to see my hair stylest so she can fix me up. This way I look nice on my first day of school. I am trying to help as much as I can so I can try and get back to normal as close as possible. I just need to remind myself to go slow and take my time, not all at once. I am actually listening to myself.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You did quite a bit! That's more than what I do. :)
