Thursday, October 1, 2009

A little help from my friends

I am so grateful today is at an end. I had my classes today to teach and during one I was observed for evaluation. A problem for me that I like to move around and be interactive with my students and learners. Well with my left leg not working I am unable to do that. It feels awkward but I think it is probably more me than anything. Still I tried my best but it made me wonder, will I reach a point when I learn to live with my condition and when is that? I don't know. While I was walking to one class, dragging my pull a-long roller bad in my left hand and my cane in my right, I felt my cane kicked out from under me. I couldn't believe it happened. Then I realized it, I had kicked out the cane myself. Luckily I caught my self and did not fall face first in front of everyone. I am still learning "be careful". Other than that the headaches remain and so does my determined desire to progress.

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