Monday, August 3, 2009


Today was a good day, yet again though there were some set backs. Beth and I ran some errands and tried to put in place the remaining appointments for my recovery. The main one was my physical therapy which has to be with a neuro physical therapist (the re-hab place I've been using and love so much are more of an orthopedic rehab, which will help along the road but for now I need the neuro guy). The doctor wanted me in therapy three times a week for at least 4 weeks, the soonest the physical therapy place could get me in for an intake is Thursday. This means that my therapy will not really begin until next week. Beth and I have noticed that I have already lost some use of my leg (just since last Friday at the hospital). Go figure, by now we are experts! We are doing what we can to keep me exercising, resting, and watching the leg for bruising as blood clots are still a major concern of doctor. Beth upon orders today took the day and did something for her, she SO MUCH not only deserves but needs. Tomorrow Beth is planning to return to work and I will be setting up my "visitation schedule" - currently I am not permitted to be alone (someone has to be with me 24 hours a day in case of a seizure. Either way whatever the situation before us, we both know God is in control. He has a plan and we will try to be faithful to follow. People around us have been so supportive we continue to thank everyone for the thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you enjoy all your "visitors". I hope that when you start back therapy that you can get that use back!
