Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bald and Beautiful

Ever wonder what Phil would look like bald? Wonder no longer friends...the new Phil...

This looks like a mug shot, or America's Most Wanted. But it is our Phil!


  1. My prayers have followed you into the O.R., Phil, and will remain with you and follow you upon your return from surgery and throughout your healing process...and your family and the surgeon are included in these many prayers.

    We are all looking foward to your total recovery (and I will tutor you on that sense of humor!).

    Love ya ... Anne

  2. He looks totally different bald!

  3. I think "bald" is a good look for Phil! I'm glad he is out of surgery and I am anxiously awaiting the news on how it went and how he is doing. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
