Saturday, July 4, 2009


Kate flew home today which I am sure little Molly will be thrilled to see her again. Kudos's to Eric for also taking over both duties in short notice. I think the meds are taking their toll on me as I am really low on energy and that is not Phil. I am trying to learn how to ask for help yet I also need to take care of Phil which means not getting busy. I would love to talk to all, see all and visit but for some reason it is so draining. MY FAITH is strong and how I would love to worship this weekend but with my immune system suppressed and I have to be as healthy as possible I have to take care first. Thus I will miss church this weekend. All are being so wonderful and helpful and I thank you all. I have no idea how Beth is doing what she does keeping my meds straight and the shots. She is becoming a real pro at this, of course the shots increase from two to three a day in a couple of days so lucky. I am so grateful for Strong Hospital and all the fantastic care they are giving me and have given. Now I need to rest, take care, follow doctor's orders to the letter and get a good review Friday for surgery. Thank you all for your care, thoughts and prayers. I wanted to add and say Thank you to Kate for coming so far, leaving her little one and husband behind to assist. Kate was a real trooper assisting Beth and watching me like a hawk. I know at times I was a pain not wanting to give in, but Kate let me get away with 'nothing' and I mean nothing. She made sure I towed the line and I want her to know I listened and I will. Thanks to Jim, my brother for mowing my lawn for me, it is hard to accept help for tasks I should be able to do on my own. Again thanks to all as this has happened in such a rush to me I still haven't taken in all in.


  1. I am still praying for you here in Texas and I hope that surgery goes well and that the recovery goes well too.

  2. Good morning, Dr. Phil ~
    I am so glad to hear that you are taking care of you, particularly with your suppressed immune system. Please know that we are all praying for you and, yes, I do believe in the power of prayer. My warranty of 24/7 help, as needed, by you or your family is extended and is non-expirable! Please don't forget that!
    Now -- get over feeling guilty for accepting help. You and I both know that, if the circumstances were reversed, you would be right there doing the same and then some! Rest and relax and humor the rest of us who want to be on the "Help Dr. Phil Team"!
    Many hugs to you and your family ~ Anne
