Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Happy Surgery Day! Phil is now back getting prepped and knocked out for surgery. We left for the hospital around 5'ish this morning, and everyone was in good spirits. We heard Aaron Shust on the radio this morning, and he is one of Phil's favorite singers. So that brightened his spirits. Here we are this morning in our Beatles t-shirts! I surprised Phil by getting one, and my mom bought him a new one to wear today! Say...Ringo, John, Paul, George!

My Mom just got off the phone with the doctor...Phil just went into surgery 10 minutes ago, and he is doing fine. They will call us in 2 hours for another update. Last night I shot a video of Phil, and I am having trouble uploading it. I will keep trying, and hopefully blogger will work out their problems. Keep checking back for more updates!

1 comment:

  1. keeping you in prayer and he looks pretty good bald-he may NOT want hair????? LOL
