Friday, July 17, 2009

July 17

Hello Friends...

Here is a little update as to what is going on. Phil is doing great Spiritually, but still needs lots of prayers! Here is so very tired and exhausted from all of the medications. So if you call him, he is doing his best to call you back. But please know, he might not get back to you. Trust me, it is not because he does not want to, he just has little to no energy right now.

Karissa left yesterday to head back to Tennessee. They had a great visit, but seeing that the surgery is not until next Wednesday, there really wasn't a whole lot for her to do there. But I know Phil was so thankful for the time he spent with her.

My mom went back to work on Wednesday. I am not sure what her plan is for next week. Maybe work Monday, half day Tuesday, not sure yet. Please keep praying for my mom. She needs lots of strength and encouragement.

I am flying to New York on Tuesday morning. Molly will be spending all next week with her grandparents in Ohio. So I will be driving there on Sunday, and flying out Tuesday morning. I know she will have a great time tiring my in-laws out!

Thank you all again for the prayers and encouraging words. We covet the time you spend thinking, praying and lifting up our family. I am will update the day of the surgery and the days after. Thanks again!


  1. Phil

    Please know that I am thinking of you and praying for a speedy recovery. I feel very selfish worrying about my issues, when you are going through what you are going through. Thank you for helping me keep the faith! Lots of thoughts, well wishes and prayers!

  2. Phil - I have talked to many of the old gang and everyone is praying, thinking, and wishing you the best. You will get through this. You have a mighty powerful ally on your side and many many people praying for you. I have faith. I know you do too. So Be strong brother and believe.


  3. We will also pray for the doctors who are in the operating room, doing all the tedious work there.

    Praying for those waiting in the waiting room. The day will be ever so long, hopefully the doctors nurses will keep them informed as to what is going on. (My sister-in-law-had brain surgery and I know that really helped us, because they kept us posted every hour as to what they were doing then.)
    Prayers for the whole family not only for that day, but each day after during recovery time.
