Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tuesday Prayer Requests

Good morning friends,
I can tell that the anticipation of tomorrow's surgery is beginning to wear on my heart and my head (which is probably why I was wide awake at 3:00am this morning - it's going to be a very long day) To let all of you know, Phil had another seizure yesterday afternoon. His son, Tim, was "dad-sitting" and was great. He remained calm, got his dad the required medication, made sure he was on his side, and called me when it was all over. It was a mild seizure, for that we give thanks but, like previous seizures, it zapped him of his energy and left his leg paralyzed. He was able to get some sleep last night however upon waking this morning he is still lacking in strength and energy. His leg has begun to recover app. 20% (try moving around without being able to life a leg or turn a foot) Quite honestly, I think fatigue is setting in and he's weary of the daily struggle. That said, I would ask for your prayers. Specifically, for today, pray that God continues to surround Phil with His love, pray that fear isn't allowed to take hold in his heart and pray that Phil's spirits are lifted and the day passes without another seizure. Kate arrives this morning (Thank you Lord!) and I must admit that I'm dreaming of a nap today (in my family it's called Mom's upstairs "reading") but in any event, thank you to everyone for your continued thoughts and prayers. Phil said to mention that he hopes to provide an update of his own later today so stay tuned....


  1. Keeping Phil and your family in my prayers.

  2. Dear Phil, Beth and Family: we are pray unceasingly for Phil for protection and peace, comfort and healing; for the surgeon, nurses the entire staff for wisdom, guidance, perseverance; for Beth and your family for patience and comfort, for peace and renewed strength. Our hearts and voices are lifted up to our great God in love for all of you. "May the peace of God, which transcends all understanding guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7 Praise Him! All our love... April and the boys

  3. I am praying that God will shower you with strength, healing and more faith in him after it is all over (not that you dont already have that faith, but hey we can all use more, right?) I know he will be watching over the surgeons and have his hand right there. love you all and praying hard for the healing you so desire.
