Thursday, July 23, 2009

One Day After Surgery

Phil is still doing great today, one day after his surgery. His CAT scan looks good, and there is no major swelling to be concerned with. He is in a lot of pain, which is to be expected. His blood levels are getting higher which is good, as of now he does not need a blood transfusion. Phil is just trying to rest, and manage his pain.

Prayers are still needed! The first 24-48 hours are very critical. Brain swelling, seizures, blood clots, just to name a few, are things the doctors and nurses are watching for. He is very weak, and still has no feeling/movement in his left leg. The doctor knows this, and expected this. It will take a little bit to regain everything, especially since he lost a lot of blood during the surgery.

Phil was able to eat some breakfast this morning, which a good sign we are told. Today and tomorrow will be the most painful recovery days. His right eye is almost swollen shut, so by tomorrow it will be all the way swollen shut. We knew this ahead of time, but it is still hard to see him that way.

The last time Phil was in the hospital he was awake, alert, and talking the whole time. Now he is in and out of sleep, hooked up to a bunch of stuff, and talking is a task for him. So I think for my mom and I it is a little difficult to switch gears to this hospital stay. The good news is that Phil was supposed to be in the ICU after surgery, but he did so well they put him in the step down unit. He will be here another day or so, then they will put him in an actual room. Although he is cognitive, it is still so hard to see him in so much pain. The nurses are doing great, but it feels like they just don't move quick enough to help your loved one.

Sorry this is a long ramble, but here is where my thoughts are. Prayers are still needed, and will be needed for a long time. Phil just got some lunch, and we are going to help him eat it. He is super weak, but still here. God has blessed us so abundantly with Phil and his progress.

"Faithful, you are ever faithful..."

Much Love,


  1. We are in fervent prayer that the Lord will comfort Phil and protect him - especially in these critical days ahead. And we pray that He will grant you peace and patience as our Heavenly Father continues His miracle of healing. I cannot even begin to imagine how painfully difficult it must be to see Phil go through this. God not only has Phil, but He has you in His arms. We are praying... and we won't stop.
    In His Love,

  2. You continue to be numeral uno in my thoughts and prayers today, Dr. Phil. I am sure the pain from migraine headaches I used to have cannot begin to compare with the pain you are feeling today. I am so sorry that you have to go through this and pray that it will pass soon.
    Thank you, Beth and Kate, for continuing to keep us posted on Phil's progress. May God bless each and every one of you and make Phil whole again soon.

  3. GOD IS SO AWESOME!!!! I am so happy to hear how well Phil did and that the Lord was right there with you all. Get some rest, be there for each other, and keep us posted.


  4. Glad to hear the CT was good! I hope that Phil continues moving upward with his recovery! God has been so good!
