Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday Evening

Hi Everyone,
It's Beth. I wanted to share that Phil had a great day! I saw him this morning and helped him with his morning routine (shaving, cleaning and brushing his teeth). I am in awe of his progress. Just four (4) days ago he was being admitted, had his skull drilled (and a portion removed), and a tumor completely obliterated (Thank you, Father). He did lose a lot of blood and it's taken several days for him to regain some strength. Today, we were able to take a walk (with the wheelchair) and we sat outside for about 30 min. Yesterday, we found that the breeze gave him a headache after about 15 min. but today, I set his chair at a different angle and he actual found the air to be comforting (if there had been a hammock, I think we both might have enjoyed a nap, it was one of those quiet summer days with a nice warm breeze). Anyway, it seems as if his appetite is returning. I am so thankful that Phil has such a positive attitude and that he is willing to work hard to regain the ability to move/work his left side. The doctor noted that while it's not major, his left arm does show some weakness in addition to his left leg and foot, of which, he is still unable to control. I know that this week will be quite challenging as the occupational and physical therapists continue to encourage Phil in strength exercises (as well as he will learn how to do all of those practical daily tasks which we tend to take for granted), plus let's not forget that Dr. Phil has a mind of his own and absolutely loves people. In other words, I think it won't be long before his team of therapists become his friends. He is open and friendly and such a good listener, perhaps the Lord allowed Phil to have his brain tumor in order to meet someone who needs to know the love of our Lord. We have already talked that God must have a plan for all of this and while we don't understand, we pray that it will become clear. On that note, I will sign off. I pray that this Lord's day has been one that gave you time alone with God. Be well my friends, Beth

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear that Phil is doing better each day. I am positive that God has a plan for all of this. You may never know it this side of Heaven but I know he is making an impact on somebody.
