Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday Morning

Hi everyone,
It's Beth (again). To let you know that Kate and Molly arrived home safe and sound. Eric was happy to have them both back and Billy (the cat) was especially thrilled that Kate was home (he does like Molly but now that she can chase after him she's not so much fun). That's one family that has to be tired. Eric spent last week at church camp with a group of junior highers and Kate was here in NY with us, while Molly spent some time with Eric's parents in Ohio. Kate flew back to Ohio on Friday and then on Saturday morning proceeded to drive back to Milwaukee (Whew, and I thought my week was long). Anyway, they are back home and everyone is safe. I'm heading back up to spend the day with Phil and see how well he slept and maybe try our hand at another wheelchair ride (I think the RN's are a little more flexible on the weekends and visitor traffic is lighter). Better sign off now. I'll give you an update tonight when I am back at home. Have a blessed day! Beth

1 comment:

  1. Glad they got home ok. Thanks for letting me know where to send something. :)
