Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday update, doctor visit

Well lots of news to share. They say the tumor is too enmeshed in the veins to do the insert so doing it will not be best so we will be going without. Not to worry though as the entire medical staff has it all under fantastic control and planned out to perfection. They talked to me extensively [and the wife] as to my recovery and process. They checked my meds and because I told them my headaches were increasing they upped some of my med for my comfort. The staff showed me the 'tumor' and I sent the slide to Kate to post if she and I know she can figure it out, as it is beyond my abilities. I can tell you I do not like tiring out so easily, I feel like a real burden, being use to working 16 to 18 hours a day and now having energy for four hours is HARD. Having people take care of me is hard, but I am learning. I am also learning a new appreciation for the brain and psychology. It is amazing how one can teach, learn, help others in these areas and when personally impacted with it gain such a learning. I will now have even more personal experience to share with future clients and students as I go forward. I do want to ask you all to keep Beth in prayer as I am a real pain to her and I know though I try not to be. She is so understanding, giving, compassionate and loving I am truly Blessed. Think about it last year my brother and I drove NASCAR cars around the track at Daytona Florida with an avg speed of 150 mph, so sitting beside Beth as she drives the expressway is a new experience and let me tell you it is 'far from a Petty experience'. All of you are doing so much and I feel the prayers knowing God is in complete control and when He is with no one can be against us. I am enjoying the sunshine He blessed us with today and time with Beth. She is cleaning right now as Karissa is on her way in from Tennessee, it will be nice to see her. Thank you all so much again....

1 comment:

  1. We are all pulling for you, Phil. Thank you for the update from your doctor's visit. I am relieved to hear that the medical staff has everything under control. With that confident attitude, you will be back and at 'em in no time at all ... of course, for you it will seem like forever! What's the old saying ... "You can't hold a good man down!" Please know that my prayers continue morning, noon, and night (at least!).
