Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wednesday Afternoon

Doctor Pilcher came and spoke with us today about scheduling Phil's surgery. He would like to see Phil get fitted for a brace for his left foot, continue with the steroids, anti seizure medication, and send him home tomorrow. He is also going to start blood thinners. My mom gets to give him two shots in the belly everyday!

They are going to give him another MRI today because the one they did last night is not usable for surgery. There was some movement, so they were unable to get a clear picture of the brain. Phil is going in this afternoon for another, shorter version of the MRI.

We talked about surgery and what to expect. They said it could last a long time. They weren't specific as to how many hours we are talking about, but they said it takes an hour and a half to open his head, and an hour and a half to close him back up. He will have about 60 staples in his head. So not knowing how long the wait is going to be is a little hard. But we will make it.

Then the doctor said they are going to take as much of the tumor as possible without destroying any of the blood vessels and arteries. So after the surgery he will probably have radiation surgery to kill the rest of the tumor.

So as of now, we are going to go home tomorrow, and see the doctor in one week, probably July 10, then schedule the surgery for the week of July 13. So hopefully the next couple of days and weeks go fast.


  1. Will be continuing to pray for your family!

  2. Our own Dr. Phil ~
    You are the BEST of the BEST!! My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family 24/7. If there is ANYTHING you or they need, I will be available at 585/394-0085 or DO NOT HESITATE to contact me.
    Fondly, Anne

  3. Dear Phil,
    You are in my thoughts and prayers every day. Your faith is strong and you are surrounded by people who love you and that makes all the difference. Please continue to ask for help when you need it--so many people care deeply about you.
    All the best,
    JoAnne Pedro-Carroll
