Sunday, July 12, 2009


This is Karissa again. Today was a welcome uneventful day. He didn't sleep much if at all last night so his energy level was low all day but there were no seizures so we are all thankful. Both of my brothers stopped by today to visit and it was a relaxing and enjoyable afternoon. Tomorrow we should hear from the doctor to hopefully confirm that the surgery will be Wednesday. At this point we are all eager to get past the surgery and start the recovery process, especially my dad. He has been suffering with this for so long, long before we had any clue as to what was really happening and now that we are so close to fixing it and working to get back to "normal" it is hard to have patience. Daily we are all reminded that control is an illusion. Daily we are reminded that we all have to ask for help at times. Daily we are reminded how we take so many simple things for granted and how easily they can be taken away. This overall experience has truly been humbling and I couldn't be more proud of my dad. Daily he shows courage, inner strength, determination and above all, his unwavering faith in God. He is an inspiration and a walking testament to how, though often mysterious to us, God works in our lives to help us learn and grow closer to Him.

I will update tomorrow with news from the doctor and continue to do so while I am in town. In the meantime please keep him in your prayers but take comfort as I do in the knowledge that God is carrying my dad and will never fail to do so.

1 comment:

  1. Hi.. Karissa, you don't know me and neither does your Dad. But I feel like I know your Dad. You see, your Dad is someone who is very special to someone I love. Phil has been a friend and a constant supporter of my sister, April. From what April has told me, your Dad is a very special person with a heart as big as the earth. I want you and your family to know, and especially Phil, that I am thinking about him, praying for him and very moved by his wonderful outlook and attitude toward such an invasive, unwelcomed situation. As a nurse, I've seen so many patients with such little hope, courage and determination. Phil is an inspiration to all people, sick or not, that life is a gift. Live it to the fullest. You go, Phil!! You make all of us proud with your positivity. God Bless you. I will think of you everyday, hoping that each day brings a smile to your face.

    And one more thing..

    Thank you for being there for April. Her heart is heavy with worry, but large with love for you. You are an angel on earth to her. Thank you.
